Social Design For Wicked Problems, Obesitas
Together with Waarmakers, a young office for product design, I research the wicked problem of Obesity. In commission of the New institute Rotterdam.
In the first half year of our research we developed a new vocabulary for obesity and a renewed vision on the problem. 'What we need is an inner navigation system. A planner that shows us the way in a world full of temptations. In order to cope with the pressure of temptations and branding from the outside world that is exerted upon us without interruption'.
Future research proposals:
1. Guidebook: How & What in the 'Obese'
Based on a conversation with a friend with obesity: I want to abolish the difference between us and them. Use humour to make obesity negotiable. In coproduction with obesity clinic in Eindhoven. Photo Walks through the city.
2. Placebos with information leaflets.
We will develop a series of placebos for overweight people, but also for the general public. Such as self-regulation pill. A pill that will regulate the blunt gaze of thin people towards obese people. effects and side effects are described in the information leaflet. Co-creation For example, students from the Design Academy or the Technical University Eindhoven.
Product will be an exhibition of colourful pills, packaging and leaflet.
3. Obe-city, international research
PAPA, Participating Artists Press Agency, fieldwork method: international correspondents make photo walks with people with overweight in their city. Cities where we have a network of co-authors and photographers are Dhaka Bangladesh Lagos Nigeria, Detroit USA, Bishkek Kyrgyzstan. New contacts will be made in China and Japan. The result will shown in an exhibit or newspaper article: Obesity worldwide.
SAO PAULO - A note above the blue chair says it is reserved for obese people.