Vathorst grows 2005
Temporary studio's in casco houses lead to an interactive documentary
on internet. |
> Lino Hellings and Menno Grootveld design a new concept for the annual art manifestation 'The Kunstkavel'. The kunstkavel is an art festival lasting ten days. It takes place Vathorst, a suburb under construction in the last block of houses ready before the summer holiday's. Vathorst is an new city part of the council of Amersfoort. It will grow between 2002 and 2014 into a new environment with 11000 houses and 30000 inhabitants. |
< The concept This year the kunstkavel is a temporary filmset ànd a pilot for the interactive documentary Vathorst grows. On our invitation the local cultural initiatives settle down in one of the studio's. A young filmmaker, is linked to every studio. We educated the young filmmakers in making filmclips for the website. |
> On their turn the young filmmakers teach the inhabitants of the area how to make the clips and to load them down on the internet. The site has the form of a collection of stamp size filmclips lasting a few seconds till one minute. An ingenious mixer made by Michael Murtaugh arranges the clips according to people, places and themes and it links the clips each time in another way together as a documentary. |
< During the art manifestation the clips of the day were shown on a big screen in the night. After the kunstkavel shut down, the interactive documentary will grow along with the suburb as people connected to the area are invited to keep on loading new clips. The site is placed on the server of one of the most active inhabitants and director of the inhabitantscoop. | |
> Menno Grootveld is a journalist,mediaspecialist and translater(English-Dutch) specialised in the design and execution of complex media events. |